Today I am sharing 5 fun activities you can do with your students to end the year on a high note!
Keep reading to see them all...
One of my favorite ways to wrap up the semester is to have students review and create a list of all the holiday repertoire they have learned. As a bonus, this gives students a handy list of all the pieces they can play for friends and family over winter break!
Click HERE to download both of the repertoire lists shown below in one PDF file.
Get creative at this final lesson by inviting students to do a holiday improv activity! A few of my favorite easy improv activities are shown below. (Click on the images to get your free copy!)
Use this last lesson as a sneaky way to review some music theory! A couple of my favorite activities are below, or check out this blog post to see all of my holiday-themed musicianship activities in one place. Click on the images below for your free copy!
The last lesson of the year is a perfect time to break out the duets! Be sure to pick a piece a couple of levels easier than your student's current playing level.
I love playing duets from Jennifer Eklund's "Christmas for Two" collection, found HERE. Or, check out one of my holiday duets available for purchase HERE!
I love using YouTube to find exciting performances and fun videos for students to watch, especially during the holidays! This blog post rounds up 5 videos you can show your students that are fun, festive, and educational!
What do you think? What special activities do you have planned for the final lesson of the year? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!