Rhythmic dictation--hearing a rhythm and writing it down--is an important skill. Not only does it help students to solidify their understanding of rhythm and reinforce their internal metronome, it is an essential skill for students who want to compose or arrange music.
This activity has four levels. The first, shown above, uses only quarter, half, dotted half, and whole notes. Level 2 adds eighth notes, level 3 uses dotted quarter and eighth note groups, and level 4 contains rhythms in 6/8 time.
Depending on the experience level of your students, you may play the given examples on the piano, or tap out the rhythms instead. You might find it helpful to use the metronome, to help students clearly hear the beat. You might also find it helpful to tap or play the rhythms one measure at a time at first.
Click HERE to download all four levels of "Do You Hear What I Hear: A Christmas Rhythmic Dictation Activity!"
What do you think? Do you practice rhythmic dictation with your students?