Some historical records list Chopin's birthdate as February 22, while Chopin himself celebrated the big day on March 1st.
Either way, we are certain that the beloved Polish composer was born around this date in 1810, so today I am celebrating the occasion by sharing free resources you can use with your students to help them learn all about Chopin!
Keep reading to see more....
- Making Music Fun has a free kid-friendly biography of Chopin available HERE.
- Also available at Making Music Fun is a free word search worksheet featuring key words from the biography above. You can find that HERE.
- The Classics for Kids website has several podcasts about Chopin. You can find a complete list of those, including links to free activity sheets, HERE.
- "Theme from Fantaisie-Impromptu" arranged by Chrissy Ricker, available HERE.
Late Elementary
- "Funeral March" arranged by Andrew Fling, available at Making Music Fun HERE.
Early Intermediate
- "Polonaise, Op. 53" arranged by Andrew Fling, available at Making Music Fun HERE.
Finally, there are many wonderful recordings of Chopin's music available on YouTube! Here are a few videos your students might enjoy:
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What do you think? Do you have a favorite work by Chopin? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!