To complete the worksheet, students choose the "ingredients" for their composition by choosing from three different patterns to create the first six measures of their piece. They can repeat any of these patterns and put them in whatever order they choose in their piece. Then, they choose one of two endings to finish their composition. All of the patterns can then be transferred over to the given staff paper, with the student writing one pattern inside each measure on the staff.
As a finishing touch, have students complete the title ("The Haunted ___________") and add dynamics to their spooky piece. The left hand is provided, and the piece can be performed as a duet with elementary students or as a solo for late elementary students.
This type of guided composition is a great way to introduce students to the process of creating a melody using musical motives. For students that want to put their own stamp on this composition, encourage them to improvise their own introduction to the piece, or change up the rhythm in the given melodies to add more interest.
I hope your students enjoy creating their own "witches' brew!" Click HERE for this free worksheet.