In today's blog post, I am sharing 5 tips that will help you prepare your students for a successful first recital experience!
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I often encourage students in their first year of lessons to simply attend our recital, instead of performing, to see what the experience is like. This helps students (and their families) to get a better understanding of how a formal recital works.
Tip #2: Have students participate in several informal performances before doing a formal recital.
Help students get some performance experience under their belts by doing "mini-recitals" for friends and family or participating in small group classes with some of your other students. The more students perform, the more comfortable they will be playing for an audience!
Tip #3: Consider performing a duet as a first recital piece.
I almost always have my beginning students play a duet with me at their very first recital. I find that having me at the piano with them puts my students more at ease, and the duet part helps even simple pieces to sound "big."
Tip #4: Choose recital music early, so students feel well-prepared.
This tip is true for all students, but especially for beginners who will probably already feel a bit nervous performing. Choosing a piece well in advance, or even choosing a beloved repertoire piece to play, can help students to feel more comfortable performing.
Tip #5: Do several “practice runs” in your lessons before the event.
In the weeks leading up to the recital, have students practice walking up to the piano, performing their piece, and taking a bow. Show them the recital program, if possible, and explain how the recital hall will be set up. Knowing these details will help put any anxiety about the recital to rest before the big day.
Want even more tips for preparing your students for your next recital? Check out this blog post with a recital-ready timeline outlining what you can do to prepare your students in the weeks leading up to your event.
What do you think? How do you help your students prepare for their very first recital? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments!